The Evening Sail is a family operation. Gail and her daughter, Michelle, are the innkeepers and while Michelle's husband, Roger, is mostly in charge of lawn maintenance and technical support, he has been known to take a reservation or two. Our Yorkshire Terrier, named Zoe, rules as Queen of the basement apartment...but don't worry, she's not allowed in any of the guest rooms.
All of us are from away, as the expression goes, having moved back to Nova Scotia in the spring of 2004. Both Michelle and Gail have a long history in the hospitality industry.
A lot of our guests wonder at the wisdom of mothers and daughters working together and there are days when we might agree. If asked, both of us attribute our successfully living and working together to one of us having the patience of a saint...of course, which one of us that is will usually depend on who you're talking to...some days Michelle is the boss. And some days she simply does what her mother tells her to do, because there really is no defence against " because I'm your mother and I said so".