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About Pictou

Welcome To Pictou, Nova Scotia!

The Birthplace of New Scotland

Been in the car all day? Don't want to drive any more? Don't worry...the Evening Sail is a leisurely 10 minute walk to historic downtown Pictou and the town's waterfront. Dining, live entertainment, shopping and more importantly, ice cream, are only a short stroll away. Just remember that Pictou is built on a's a 10 minute walk there...but a 15 minute walk back. Better make it a double scoop so you have lots of energy for the trek home.

Things To Do In Pictou

From the Hector Heritage Quay (pronounced key) to the Weekend Market, Pictou has lots of seasonal and year-long activities to keep you busy... Read M ore...

The History of Pictou

The town of Pictou has been welcoming tourists since the late 90's...the 1390's that is...since the Orkney Island's Prince Henry Sinclair first dropped by for a look-see. Permanent settlers took a little longer... Read More...

A Walking Tour Of Pictou

Step out the front door and head to your left, down the hill and towards Pictou's historic downtown and waterfront ... Read More...

Evening Sail B&B - P.O. Box 209, 279 Denoon St., Pictou, Nova Scotia, B0K 1H0 - Phone: 1 (902) 485-5069 / 1 (866) 214-2669 -
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